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AAPG Bulletin

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Cretaceous Floras of Chandler-Colville Region, Alaska: Stratigraphy and Preliminary Floristics

Charles J. Smiley

Evaporite-Solution Brecciation and Devonian Carbonate Reservoir Porosity in Western Canada

F. W. Beales , A. E. Oldershaw

Carbonate Geochemistry of Superior Deep Test Well, Andros Island, Bahamas

H. G. Goodell , R. K. Garman

Paleomagnetic Study of La Quinta Formation, Venezuela

R. B. Hargraves , R. Shagam

Structural Geology, Cochas to Yauricocha, Central High Andes, Peru

Thomas S. Szekely

Stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene, Seno Skyring--Strait of Magellan Area, Magallanes Province, Chile

Reynaldo Charrier , Alfredo Lahsen

Oil Shale of Permian Irati Formation, Brazil

Vincente T. Padula

Stratigraphy, Structure, and Origin of Siwa Depression, Western Desert of Egypt

Amin R. Gindy , M. A. El Askary

Late Cretaceous Eugeosynclinal Sedimentation, Gravity Tectonics, and Ophiolite Emplacement in Oman Mountains, Southeast Arabia

H. H. Wilson

Champlainian Series (Middle Ordovician) in Wisconsin: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Meredith E. Ostrom

Basement Structure Contour Map of North Park-Middle Park Basin, Colorado: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

John C. Behrendt , Peter Popenoe

Mineralogic Stratigraphic Marker in White Pine Group, Eastern Nevada: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

D. M. Moore , D. M. Henderson

Permo-Triassic Section in Central Iran: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Hushang Taraz

Paleoenvironment, Algal Structures, and Fossil Algae in Upper Cambrian of Central Texas: ABSTRACT

Wayne M. Ahr

Offshore Algeria--A Growing Infant: ABSTRACT

Nordine Ait Laoussine, A. Megateli, A. Said, T. E. Daly

Carbonate Facies and Coral Zonation, Mississippian, Kogruk Formation, Lisburne Group, Delong Mountains, Brooks Range, Northwestern Alaska: ABSTRACT

Augustus K. Armstrong, J. T. Dutro, Jr.

Organic Geochemistry and Petroleum Distribution on Cherokee Platform, Kansas and Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Donald R. Baker, William S. Ferguson, George E. Claypool

Importance of Storm Activity in Depositional History of Westphalia (Pennsylvanian) Limestone Member of Northern Mid-Continent Exposures: ABSTRACT

Stanton M. Ball

Identification of Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone in Upper Part of Lower Saucesian Stage, California: ABSTRACT

Orville L. Bandy, Ronald W. Morin, Ramil Wright

Yates (Permian) Carbonate Reservoir, Winkler County, Texas: ABSTRACT

William M. Barnes

Summary of Offshore Exploration and Production: ABSTRACT

Thomas D. Barrow

Application of Information Theory to Paleontologic Problems: I. Taxonomic Diversity: ABSTRACT

James R. Beerbower, Dianne Jordan

Golden Lane-Poza Rica Trends, Mexico--an Alternate Interpretation: ABSTRACT

Don G. Bebout, A. H. Coogan, Carlos M. Maggio

Kummerform Foraminifera as Clues to Oceanic Environments: ABSTRACT

Wolfgang H. Berger

Criteria for Recognizing Ancient Barrier Coastlines: ABSTRACT

Henry L. Berryhill, Jr., Kendall A. Dickinson, Charles W. Holmes

Dune Sediments: Characteristics, Recognition, and Importance: ABSTRACT

Joao Jose Bigarella

New Type of Sediment-Distribution Map: Preliminary Result for Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

Arnold H. Bouma

Continental Rise off East Coast of North America: Deep Structure: ABSTRACT

Carl O. Bowin, Joseph Phillips, K. O. Emery, Elazar Uchupi, S. T. Knott, K. E. Prada, E. T. Bunce

Postmortem History of a Permian Pelecypod Assemblage from Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Donald W. Boyd, Norman D. Newell

Geology of Part of Outer Continental Shelf off Oregon: ABSTRACT

Dana B. Braislin

Paleoecologic Analysis of Some Middle Devonian Fossil Aggregations: ABSTRACT

R. G. Bray, J. R. Beerbower

Shallow Shelf Sedimentation in Rock Record--Introduction to Symposium: ABSTRACT

James E. Brooks, E. G. Wermund, Thomas E. Williams

Mineral Resources of Northern Alaska: ABSTRACT

William P. Brosge, Irvin L. Tailleur, George Gryc

Recognition of Alluvial-Fan Environments in Stratigraphic Record: ABSTRACT

William B. Bull

Deep-Water Drilling--Sigsbee Salt Diapirs: ABSTRACT

Creighton A. Burk

Foraminiferal Densities and Environmental Variables: Use of Statistical Models to Examine Estuarine Environment: ABSTRACT

Martin A. Buzas

Delineation of some Outer Deltaic Plain Subenvironments Based on Sedimentary Properties in Vertical Section: ABSTRACT

Victor V. Cavaroc, Jr.

Trace Fossils, Basin Migration, Sedimentation, and Bathymetry of Ouachita Geosyncline of Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

C. Kent Chamberlain

Structural and Textural Descriptions of Marine Sediments: ABSTRACT

Frank B. Chmelik, A. H. Bouma

San Andres (Permian) Facies and Diagenesis in Reeves Field, Yoakum County, Texas: ABSTRACT

Stewart Chuber, Walter C. Pusey

Comparison of Stratigraphic and Microscopic Evidence for Origin of Virginia "Terrace" Sediments: ABSTRACT

Nicholas K. Coch, David H. Krinsley

Paleocurrent Patterns Along Continental Margin of Central California During Cretaceous Time: ABSTRACT

Ivan P. Colburn

Geology of Ventura Basin, California, as an Approach to Exploration of Continental Margin: ABSTRACT

James M. Cole

Deltaic Environments: ABSTRACT

James M. Coleman, Sherwood M. Gagliano, John C. Ferm

Petroleum Prospects of Australian Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT

Maurice A. Condon

Patterns of Permo-Triassic Sedimentation, Southeastern Australia: ABSTRACT

John R. Conolly, John C. Ferm

Compaction Effects in Oolitic Grainstone: ABSTRACT

Alan H. Coogan

Identification and Interpretation of Upper Cretaceous Fluvial and Deltaic Sandstones: ABSTRACT

Edward Cotter

Geology of San Andres (Permian) Reservoir of Part of Wasson Field, Gaines and Yoakum Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT

F. E. Coupal

Classification of Sedimentary Environments: ABSTRACT

Eleanor J. Crosby

Stages in Fracture-Porosity Development: ABSTRACT

John B. Currie

Distribution of Hydrocarbons in Three Dimensions: ABSTRACT

John C. Davis

Exploration and Production Results of Offshore Extension of Mexican Cretaceous Golden Lane: ABSTRACT

Teodoro Diaz-Gonzalez

Regional Distribution of Late Jurassic Depositional Wedge, Upper Gulf Coastal Plain of Northeast Mexico and Southern United States: ABSTRACT

Robert W. Eaton

Comparison of Modern Island and Mainland Supratidal-Flat Carbonate Deposits, British Honduras: ABSTRACT

W. J. Ebanks, Jr., L. R. High, Jr.

Foraminiferal Trends within Inner Sublittoral Zone off Coast of Washington: ABSTRACT

Ronald J. Echols, Sarah S. Barnes

Holocene Oceanography of Chukchi Sea: ABSTRACT

Ronald J. Echols, Joe S. Creager, Mark L. Holmes, Dean A. McManus

Fringing Reef or Allochthonous Blocks?: ABSTRACT

Jack G. Elam

Vibro-Box Sampler: New Tool for Study of Sedimentary Structures in Nearshore Sands: ABSTRACT

Charles W. Ellis

Economic Potential of Continental Rise and Slope: ABSTRACT

Kenneth O. Emery

Eocene Planktonic Foraminiferal Zonation of New Jersey Atlantic Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT

Richard Enright

Deep-Water Drilling: Atlantic Basin: ABSTRACT

Maurice Ewing

Shallow-Water Facies of Upper Pennsylvanian Haymond Formation in Marathon Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT

Romeo M. Flores

Danian Planktonic Foraminifera from Cannonball Formation, North Dakota: ABSTRACT

Steven K. Fox, Jr., Richard K. Olsson

Carbonate Sediments in Clastic Environment: Reefs of Veracruz, Mexico: ABSTRACT

George L. Freeland

Facies Variations in Ordovician Sediments of Southeast Ireland and their Paleogeographic Significance: ABSTRACT

P. R. R. Gardiner

Sediment Distribution, Differential Sedimentary Cycling, and Geochemical "Uniformitarianism": ABSTRACT

Robert M. Garrels, Fred T. Mackenzie

Mobility of Atlantic Coastal Plain and Shelf: ABSTRACT

Thomas G. Gibson

New Evidence for Dating Carboniferous Flysch Deposits of Ouachita Geosyncline, Arkansas and Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Mackenzie Gordon, Jr., Charles G. Stone

Geology of Continental Margins: Introduction and Review: ABSTRACT

Donn S. Gorsline

Environmental Indicators--A Key to Stratigraphic Record: ABSTRACT

H. R. Gould

Aspects of Mesozoic Shelf in Western Europe: ABSTRACT

A. Hallam

Inorganic Geochemistry of Carbonate Shelf Rocks: ABSTRACT

Bruce B. Hanshaw

Algal Crusts from Bahamas: ABSTRACT

Lawrence A. Hardie

Nannofossils, Probability, and Biostratigraphic Resolution: ABSTRACT

William W. Hay, Pavel Cepek

Recognition of Shallow Marine Environments: ABSTRACT

Philip H. Heckel

Continental Margins and Petroleum Geology: ABSTRACT

Hollis D. Hedberg

Continental Margins from Viewpoint of Petroleum Geologist (Keynote Address): ABSTRACT

Hollis D. Hedberg

Depositional Environment of an Upper Cretaceous Deltaic Sandstone in Southeastern United States: ABSTRACT

Norman Curtis Hester

Sedimentary Cycles in Green River Formation (Eocene): Modification of Walther's Law: ABSTRACT

Lee R. High, Jr., M. Dane Picard

Bottom Sampling of Georgia Estuaries with NEL Spade Corer: ABSTRACT

James D. Howard

Trace Fossils as Criteria for Recognizing Shorelines in Stratigraphic Record: ABSTRACT

James D. Howard

Significance of Provincialism in Richmond (Upper Ordovician) Correlations: ABSTRACT

Herbert J. Howe

Recent Offshore Developments, Atlantic Coast of Canada: ABSTRACT

Robert D. Howie

Dispersal Patterns and Diagenesis of Oolitic Calcarenites, Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Mississippian), Missouri: ABSTRACT

John F. Hubert, Stephen L. Knewtson

Diagenesis and Paleoclimatic Significance of Alloway Clay: ABSTRACT

Wayne C. Isphording, William Lodding

Subsurface Temperatures in South Louisiana: ABSTRACT

Pedro Jam L., Parke A. Dickey, Eysteinn Tryggvason

Supratidal Accumulation of Reef Detritus at Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles: ABSTRACT

Richard L. Jodry

Hydrology of Deep Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT

Paul H. Jones

Enigma of Colorado Plateau Eolian Sandstone: ABSTRACT

William M. Jordan

Neocurrent Trends and Structural Control of Sedimentation in Wilmington Submarine Canyon, Eastern United States: ABSTRACT

Gilbert Kelling, Daniel J. Stanley

North Sea Exploration Progress: ABSTRACT

P. E. Kent, P. J. Walmsley

Middle and Early Late Cambrian Algal Biostromes and Regional Dolomitization in Great Basin: ABSTRACT

John Kepper

Algal-Bearing Carbonate Reservoirs of Pennsylvanian Age, West Texas and New Mexico: ABSTRACT

S. Duff Kerr, Jr.

Cycles in Gasperian (Mississippian) Basin-Edge Sediments of Indiana: ABSTRACT

Don L. Kissling

Stratigraphic Correlation and Reservoir Distribution in Mid-Atlantic Part of Atlantic Coastal Plain-Continental Shelf Geosyncline: ABSTRACT

John C. Kraft, Marilyn D. Maisano

Recognition of Pre-Pleistocene Glacial Environments: ABSTRACT

David H. Krinsley

Submarine Lithification of Jamaican Reefs: ABSTRACT

L. S. Land, T. F. Goreau

Paleozoic Carbonate Facies of Central Appalachian Shelf: ABSTRACT

Leo F. Laporte

Markov Forecasting Techniques in Exploration: ABSTRACT

Graham Lea

Practical Computer Usage for Subsurface Geologists: ABSTRACT

James O. Lewis

Detrital Dolomite in Onondaga Limestone (Middle Devonian) of New York: Implications to "Dolomite Question": ABSTRACT

Roy C. Lindholm

Palynology of Kaiparowits Formation, Garfield County, Utah: ABSTRACT

C. Frederick Lohrengel II

Recognition of Evaporite-Carbonate Shoreline Sedimentation: ABSTRACT

F. J. Lucia

Paleoecologic Aspects of Trace Fossils: ABSTRACT

John O. Maberry

Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian Sedimentary Record, Western Canada Shelf: ABSTRACT

R. W. MacQueen

Foraminiferal Test as an Environmental Buffer: ABSTRACT

Donald S. Marszalek, Ramil C. Wright, William W. Hay

Environmental Interpretation of Upper Part of Mesaverde Formation, Northwestern Colorado, from Outcrop, Core, and Subsurface Study: ABSTRACT

Charles D. Masters

Recognizing Estuarine and Tidal Creek Sandbars by Biogenic Sedimentary Structures: ABSTRACT

Taylor V. Mayou, James D. Howard

Geological Reservoir Analysis, Madison Formation, Elk Basin Field, Wyoming-Montana: ABSTRACT

J. A. McCaleb, D. A. Wayhan

Variations in Late Pennsylvanian Molluscan Faunas: ABSTRACT

Scott McCoy, Jr.

Comparison of Recent and Ancient Coarse-Grained Point Bars: ABSTRACT

J. H. McGowen, L. E. Garner

Introduction to Symposium: ABSTRACT

D. F. Merriam

Continental Shelf Positions During Geologic Time: ABSTRACT

A. A. Meyerhoff

Environmental Analysis of Ancient Sandstone Bodies by Discriminant Analysis: ABSTRACT

R. J. Moiola, Daniel Weiser

Role of Offshore Operations in Long-Range Free World Supply and Demand Outlook: ABSTRACT

John D. Moody

Evaporative Reflux Hydrology of South Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles: ABSTRACT

R. C. Murray

Texture of Modern Deltaic Sediments of Godavari River (India): ABSTRACT

A. S. Naidu

Ambiguity Functions and Concept of Geological Correlation: ABSTRACT

Norman S. Neidell

Composition, Structure, and Erodability of Subtidal Mats, Abaco, Bahamas: ABSTRACT

A. Conrad Neumann, Conrad D. Gebelein, Terence P. Scoffin

Planktonic Foraminifera from Base of Tertiary, Millers Ferry, Alabama: ABSTRACT

Richard K. Olsson

Significance of Palynomorphs as Sedimentation Indicators in Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Sandstone, Utah: ABSTRACT

Ralph Orlansky

Practical Comparison of Methods of Computing Grain-Size Parameters: ABSTRACT

Donald E. Owen, Roy L. Ingram

Grain and Graptolite Orientation in Turbidite Graywacke, Cloridorme Formation (Ordovician), Gaspe, Quebec: ABSTRACT

B. Parkash, G. V. Middleton

Multivariate Facies Maps: ABSTRACT

James M. Parks

Mineral Resource Potential of Continental Margin of United States: ABSTRACT

W. T. Pecora

Lacustrine Criteria: ABSTRACT

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.

Studies on Sedimentology of Shell Beds on Bermudian Patch Reefs: ABSTRACT

Robert A. Pohowsky

Intra-Permian Corrosion Breccias, Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT

J. E. Rapson-McGugan

Tidal Flats: ABSTRACT

Hans-Erich Reineck

Sediment Control of Faunal Distribution Patterns in Late Cretaceous Marginal Marine Deposits of South Dakota: ABSTRACT

Donald C. Rhoads, Karl M. Waage

Reefs and Reef Environments: ABSTRACT

J. Keith Rigby

Comparison of Continental Margins Off Northwest Africa and Cape Hatteras: ABSTRACT

Peter A. Rona

Arctic Margin of Canada: ABSTRACT

Ernest F. Roots

Selective Dolomitization of Stromatolites: ABSTRACT

Kenneth J. Roy

Correlation Theory Between Thin-Section and Loose-Grain Arithmetic Mean Sizes on Number-Frequency Basis: ABSTRACT

Basanta K. Sahu

Scanning Electron Microscopy of Normal Pores in Cytheracean Ostracoda: ABSTRACT

Phillip A. Sandberg, Paul L. Plusquellec

Evolution of Continental Margin: ABSTRACT

E. D. Schneider

Geologic Implications of Cenozoic Subsidence and Fragmentation of Continental Margins: ABSTRACT

David W. Scholl, Roland E. Von Huene

Experimental Dissolution of Calcium, Magnesium, and Strontium from Holocene Biogenic Carbonates: A Model of Diagenesis: ABSTRACT

Johannes H. Schroeder, Frederic R. Siegel

Paleochannels: ABSTRACT

S. A. Schumm

Deep Drilling Cost Trends: ABSTRACT

John Scott

Relation of Submarine Canyons to Continental Slope: ABSTRACT

Francis P. Shepard

Shelf Sediments in Rock Record--A Summary: ABSTRACT

L. L. Sloss

Developments in Seismic Processing for Geologic Interpretation: ABSTRACT

Mark K. Smith

New Approach to Classification of Azolla Megaspores Species: ABSTRACT

Robert G. Snead

Multivariate Analysis of Variance Study of Neochonetes granulifer (Owen): Its Implication with Respect to Geographic Variation and Evolution: ABSTRACT

R. S. Spencer

Oil and Gas Prospects of Southern Taranaki Bight, New Zealand: ABSTRACT

R. C. Sprigg, J. C. Braithwaite, A. Yakunin, R. B. Wilson

Coarse Channelized Deposits and Other Indicators of Slope and Base-of-Slope Environments in Ancient Marine Basins: ABSTRACT

Daniel J. Stanley, Rafael Unrug

Evolution of Trilobite Populations, Late Cambrian Biomeres: ABSTRACT

James H. Stitt

Middle Glen Rose (Lower Cretaceous) Deposits of Central Texas: A Depositional Model of Shallow-Water Carbonate Shelf: ABSTRACT

F. L. Stricklin, Jr., D. L. Amsbury

Facies and Faunal Relations in Pennsylvanian Missourian Rocks Along Oklahoma-Kansas Boundary: ABSTRACT

H. L. Strimple, J. M. Cocke

Carolina Cretaceous: Petrographic Reconnaissance of a Graded Shelf: ABSTRACT

Donald J. P. Swift, S. Duncan Heron, Jr., C. E. Dill, Jr.

Development of Tertiary West Papuan Basin: ABSTRACT

Norman C. Tallis

Diagenesis of Pleistocene Limestone on Ambergris Cay, British Honduras: ABSTRACT

Gordon E. Tebbutt

Textural and Reservoir Variations of Ordovician Microdolomites, Lake Alma-Beaubier Oil-Producing Area, Southern Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

G. E. Thomas

Clay-Mineral Diagenesis in Redbed Sequence, Juniata Formation, Central Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT

Allan M. Thompson

Soft-Sediment Faults as Indicators of Paleoslope Orientation: ABSTRACT

Alan Thomson

Pore-Water Chemistry of Carbonate Sediments from Harrington Sound, Bermuda: ABSTRACT

Donald C. Thorstenson

Carbonate Facies and Paleogeography of Robinson Member, Minturn Formation, Eagle Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Roderick W. Tillman

Continental Rise off East Coast of North America: Shallow Structure: ABSTRACT

Elazar Uchupi, K. O. Emery, S. T. Knott, C. O. Bowin, Joseph Phillips, K. E. Prada, E. T. Bunce

Deep Miocene in Southeast Louisiana: ABSTRACT

Louis O. Vidrine

Physical Characteristics of Fluvial Deposits: ABSTRACT

Glenn S. Visher

Tectonic Implications of Structures in Stratified Sequences at Base of Pacific Continental Margins: ABSTRACT

Roland E. Von Huene, David W. Scholl

Economics, Decision Making, and Exploration Policy: ABSTRACT

Warren J. Wahlstedt

Ripple-Drift Cross-Lamination in Turbidites: ABSTRACT

Roger G. Walker

Sedimentary Structure Zonation on Tidal Levees, Andros Island, Bahamas: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless

Surficial Alteration of Pleistocene(?) Limestone Adjacent to Saline Lakes, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico: ABSTRACT

William C. Ward, Robert L. Folk, James Lee Wilson

Live and Dead Mollusks in a Coastal Lagoon: ABSTRACT

John E. Warme

Catastrophic Destruction of Coral Reefs by Venomous Sea Star Acanthaster planci: ABSTRACT

Jon N. Weber

Late Pennsylvanian Shelf in North-Central Texas: ABSTRACT

E. G. Wermund, W. A. Jenkins, Jr.

Use of Radiography in Studying Textural and Structural Properties of Ancient Argillaceous Sediments Which Aid in Interpretation of Ancient Environments: ABSTRACT

W. Arthur White, I. Edgar Odom

Economics of Offshore Exploration and Production: ABSTRACT

James E. Wilson

Continental Migration: ABSTRACT

J. Tuzo Wilson

Geology of Southern Swain Reefs Area, Queensland, Australia: ABSTRACT

Thomas C. Wilson

Patterns of Calcification in Nacreous Layer of Pelecypods and Gastropods: ABSTRACT

Sherwood W. Wise, Jr.

Geological-Engineering Study of Cato (San Andres, Permian) Field, Chaves County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Robert J. Yedlosky, James E. McNeal

Deep Gas Trend in West Texas--Geology and Reserves: ABSTRACT

James B. Zimmerman, Laddie F. Long