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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Geology of Erath Field, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana

M. H. Steig , I. K. Nichols , Shapleigh G. Gray , R. L. Denham (5)

Faults in Sedimentary Part of Wichita Mountains of Oklahoma

Bruce H. Harlton

Types of Oil and Gas Traps in Rocky Mountain Region

Alex W. McCoy III, Chairman , Robert L. Sielaff , George R. Downs , N. Wood Bass (5), John H. Maxson (6)

Reef Limestones of Hermosa Formation, San Juan Canyon, Utah

Sherman A. Wengerd

McIntosh Formation, Centralia-Chehalis Coal District, Washington

Parke D. Snavely, Jr., Weldon W. Rau, Linn Hoover, Jr., Albert E. Roberts

Fearn Springs Member of Wilcox Formation in Mississippi: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

F. Stearns MacNeil

Calder Field, Kern County, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Frank B. Carter

Note 11--Records of the Stratigraphic Commission for 1949-1950

American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature

Note 12--Divisions of Rocks and Time: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION

American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature

Nature of Time-Stratigraphic Units and Geologic Time Units: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION

Hollis D. Hedberg

Address of Welcome: ABSTRACT

Max L. Krueger

Rocky Mountain Exploration Data: ABSTRACT

Maury Goodin

Montana Discoveries--1950: ABSTRACT

Herbert D. Hadley

Sussex Oil Field, Johnson County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

W. G. Olson, Ruth Bachrach

Discoveries--Glenrock Area--Converse County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

W. H. Curry

Slick Creek Field, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

L. E. Harris

Geology of Beaver Creek Oil and Gas Field, Fremont County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

C. C. Stiteler

Geologic Notes on Western Nebraska: ABSTRACT

George R. Veronda

Recent Discoveries of Oil and Gas in Northeastern Colorado: ABSTRACT

Harry L. Thomsen

Discovery of Oil in Tertiary Green River Formation of Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT

Verne E. Farmer, Jr.

Statistics on Exploratory Drilling in San Juan Basin Area: ABSTRACT

Paul H. Umbach

Stratigraphic Oil and Gas Possibilities in San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: ABSTRACT

Caswell Silver

Summary of Regional Geology in Southwest Wyoming Covered by Fifth Annual Field Conference, Wyoming Geological Association: ABSTRACT

W. W. Rubey

First Field Conference of Billings Geological Society: ABSTRACT

L. S. Gardner

Regional Geology of Uintah Basin Covered by 1950 Field Conference of Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists: ABSTRACT

Orlo E. Childs

Distinguished Lecture--Development of the Ocean and the Atmosphere: ABSTRACT

W. W. Rubey

Devonian Correlations in Wyoming-Montana-Alberta-Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

L. L. Sloss, John M. Andrichuk

Foraminifera of Parts of Cretaceous in Rocky Mountain Area: ABSTRACT

A. J. Crowley

Madison Group (Mississippian) of Big Horn and Wind River Basins, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

M. E. Denson, Jr., Norman S. Morrisey

Paleozoic Stratigraphy of Great Basin: ABSTRACT

W. L. Stokes

Reefing Limestones of Hermosa Formation, San Juan Canyon, Utah: ABSTRACT

Sherman A. Wengerd

Porosity and Permeability of Oil Sands: Age and Depth: ABSTRACT

Kenneth P. McLaughlin

Zones of Stratigraphic Thinning in Relation to Oil and Gas Possibilities in Wyoming: ABSTRACT

J. D. Love

Geological History of Denver Basin: ABSTRACT

Alex W. McCoy III

Oil and Gas Exploration in Utah: ABSTRACT

George H. Hansen

Morrison Formation of Colorado Plateau Region--Progress Report: ABSTRACT

L. C. Craig, Clifford N. Holmes

Stratigraphy and Structure of Northeastern Strawberry Valley Quadrangle, Utah: ABSTRACT

Harold J. Bissell