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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Henry Mountains Symposium, 1980
Pages 123-128

Paleocurrent Directions in Late Triassic(?) Kayenta Formation, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah

David R. Friz


A detailed paleocurrent study of the Late Triassic(?) Kayenta Formation in Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, was undertaken partly to determine reasons for low consistency ratios of mean current directions reported in previous studies. A total of 265 dip direction readings were taken from five localities in and near Capitol Reef. This mean current direction of the formation is 253° (S 73°W). The Kayenta Formation can be divided into three units, each with its own dominant paleocurrent orientation. The mean current directions are 273° (N 87°W), 113° (S 67°E), and 275° (N 85°W) for the upper unit, middle unit, and lower unit, respectively. It is suggested that the easterly transport direction of the middle unit is responsible for the low consistency ratios.

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