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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 57 (1973)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 2290

Last Page: 2296

Title: Geophysical Illusions of Continental Drift: A DISCUSSION

Author(s): Robert S. Dietz (2), John C. Holden (2)


The "illusions of continental drift," as envisioned by Mantura, are not illusions. Continental drift is a necessary consequence of plate tectonics according to which the continents are embedded in a mosaic of even larger rigid lithospheric plates which drift in relative rotation on the earth's spherical surface. The plates are bounded by spreading rifts, subduction zones, and transform faults. Our reply is an attempt to answer the 20 questions posed by Mantura in his open letter to plate tectonicists. Many problems remain unresolved, but plate tectonics remains a strong, viable, and persuasive concept.

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