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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 20 (1936)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 531

Last Page: 559

Title: Orange, Texas, Oil Field

Author(s): Alexander Deussen (2), E. W. K. Andrau (2)


The Orange, Texas, oil field was discovered in 1913. It is a deep dome, in which salt has never been encountered in drilling. The peak of development and production was reached in 1922. Four hundred twenty-four locations have been drilled, of which 318 wells produced oil and 106 wells were dry. The greater portion of the oil is produced from Pliocene-Miocene sands. Oligocene oil is found southeast of the Miocene oil-producing area. This is due to a faulted condition of the dome. The average depth of the wells is 4,000 feet. The average total production is 79,000 barrels per well drilled.

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